At What Age And Why Do Chickens Stop Laying Eggs? (2024)

At what age and why do chickens stop laying eggs? You might be surprised to find the answers. When your chickens lay their first egg, you couldn’t be prouder of them.

The excitement and joy of raising your own food is something incomparable to anything else. But after a few years, your faithful layers will slow down how many eggs your chickens lay in a day.

It might have you thinking about your chickens in their old age.

The Egg Production Myth

At What Age And Why Do Chickens Stop Laying Eggs? (1)

Most of us have heard or read somewhere that backyard chickens only lay eggs for 2-3 years of age before they retire.

They start by 18-20 weeks of age and then suddenly stop. But this isn’t the case. Most hens lay eggs reliably for the first 2-3 years and have a steady decrease in eggs.

It isn’t even uncommon for a 6-year-old chicken to lay an egg occasionally. So, where does this myth come from?

This myth comes from egg production factories. Money-wise, it makes sense to cull a chicken after the first 2-3 years when its egg production has dropped.

They will replace these chickens with younger birds ready to lay their first egg. But we are backyard chicken owners, not a company trying to make money.

What Is The Average Lifespan Of A Laying Hen?

It might shock you to know that chickens have a long lifespan. Most chickens live 8-10 years. And some chickens live even longer.

In fact, the longest-lived chicken is the famous Matilda, who lived to be 16 years old. So what can chicken keepers expect in these long lifespans?

At What Age And Why Do Chickens Stop Laying Eggs?

So now we can cut right to the chase and talk about when you can expect your older hens to retire. After the first lay, your hens will be reliable and high producers for the first 2-3 years.

But they won’t stop egg laying overnight. Once your hens hit that three-year mark, though, they will have a steady decline of eggs.

Egg Math

As we mentioned, your hens will lay regularly in those first few years. Then your hen will lay fewer eggs and decline by about 10% yearly.

But the chances are, you won’t even notice this drop in the number of eggs at first. Let’s do a little egg production math.

If your hen lays five eggs weekly, she might only lay 4-5 eggs a week at four years old. When she turns five, she will still have a decent egg production of about 3-4 eggs per week.

And at the ripe age of six, she will drop to 2-3 eggs a week. That means your hen could lay until she is six or seven. But there are a few exceptions to this rule.

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Breed Matters

One of the biggest factors in how long your chickens produce eggs is their breed. Some chicken breeds, like the Golden Comet, are designed to have a high output for the first 2-3 years.

And they really do stop suddenly or have a steep decline of eggs. These breeds also have very short lifespans of about 3-5 years, so it makes sense that they stop laying earlier than others.

And on the opposite side of the spectrum are breeds that lay fewer eggs but lay longer. These chickens might only give you three eggs a week and take the winter months off. But they can lay for 7-8 years!

And of course, breeds like the White Leghorns lay high volumes of eggs for long periods. So you must decide what is best for you and your goals when choosing a breed.

How To Find Hens That Have Stopped Laying Eggs

Sometimes it’s hard to tell which chickens are laying eggs, especially if they are all the same breed. So how do you know your chickens have stopped?

There are a few signs to look for in your hens to see which ones are still producing.

The first thing to look for is the color of your chicken’s combs. Most laying hens will have bright red combs. But once your old hen has stopped laying, the comb will turn pale pink.

However, this can also mean several things. So you don’t want to rely on this test alone.

The next thing to look for is a dry vent. The laying hen’s vent will be open, pink, and moist. But if your hen is retired from laying, the vent will be small or almost closed. It will also be noticeably dry and pale in color.

And the last test is to measure the distance of the keel and the vent. The keel is the very end of the breastbone in the lower abdomen.

If your hen lays eggs, the space should be about 3-4 fingers. But if your hen isn’t laying eggs, that distance will be 1-2 fingers.

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What Time Of Year Do Chickens Stop Laying Eggs?

Now it’s important to remember that most chickens have a natural break in the year. One time is when the hours of daylight decrease in winter.

Your hens will stop laying eggs to conserve energy. And by late summer and early fall, most chickens will go through a short time molting their old feathers for new feathers.

This takes a lot of energy and protein, so you can expect a sudden stop in eggs if your flock is all the same age.

If you prefer to have winter eggs, you can get breeds like the Rhode Island Reds, known to lay all year round.

Or you can add artificial hours of light with supplemental light in the chicken coop. But even in old age, these breeds take a break in cold weather.

You never know; your old hen might lay again once it’s spring again.

Why Did My Hens Stop Laying Eggs?

At what age and why chickens stop laying eggs differs from breed to breed. But if your chickens are over 5, they are considered old age.

So it’s not unreasonable to assume that they have stopped laying. But what about a young hen?

There are several reasons why younger chickens have stopped laying. Here are a few of the most common reasons. And the good news is that they are easily fixed.


The biggest reason most young hens stop laying eggs is due to disease. If your chickens aren’t feeling well, they can’t produce the eggs you love. Instead, they are conserving resources to heal.

So if you notice a chicken suddenly stop laying, check thoroughly to clear her of illnesses. The best way to resolve this issue is to cure your hens of the underlying disease.

Once you have healthy chickens again, their egg production will shoot up.


Her diet is next to check if your chicken is physically fine. Chickens in their laying years need a well-balanced diet.

Hens will need a complete feed layer, oyster shells, grit, and many foraging materials. If your hens eat too many treats, they won’t get the proper nutrients they need to lay eggs.

The most common deficiencies in chickens are calcium and protein deficiencies. Calcium is crucial for eggshell development, so without it, your hens won’t lay or lay shell-less eggs.

And eggs have 6 grams of protein, so your hens can’t lay without it.

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How do you fix these problems? Oyster shells should always be available for an added calcium boost.

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But if your hens still aren’t eating it, you could always sprinkle some in the feed. Another great source of calcium is recycled eggshells. Your hens will love it, and it puts the shells to good use.

Feeding a quality layer feed will also give your hens the 16% protein they need to lay. But foraging for bugs and slugs is another crucial step for feeding a balanced diet.

If you can’t let your hen’s free range, you might consider planting a garden in the run to attract bugs to feast on.


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And finally, the last reason your hens will stop laying is stress. You can expect a drop in eggs if your hens are too crowded in freezing winter or pecking order unrest.

Another problem is not having enough nesting boxes for your growing flock, which stresses hens. It’s a good idea to treat your hens like queens. Only the best treatment will give you the best eggs.

If you give your hens all of this, your hens will produce eggs with no problem. It’s everything they need, and no fillers. And it’s all-natural, so you only give your girls the best.

What Is The Best Thing To Feed Chickens For Eggs?

They say chickens can continue to lay predictable eggs throughout their lives if you give them a wholesome diet. So, what types of things should you feed?

If you give your hens all of this, your hens will produce eggs with no problem. It’s everything they need, and no fillers. And it’s all-natural, so you only give your girls the best.

What Should I Do With Chickens After They Stop Laying?

At What Age And Why Do Chickens Stop Laying Eggswouldn’t be complete without talking about retired hens. And that depends on you.

We don’t see any reason to cull old hens that stop laying. They are just as valuable as pets, security to the flock, and even broody hens.

But that is up to you. You could still eat old chickens in stews or similar recipes. Just remember that they won’t be as tender as young hens.

Or you could wait until they die naturally before processing them for meat. There is no wrong answer here.

Another commonly asked question is whether I need a rooster for my hens to lay eggs? And the answer is no. That is not true, but another myth has been said.


We hope to have busted some myths and adequately prepared you for aging hens that can lay many eggs. Whether or not you keep them or cull them is a decision that you can make at that time.

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At What Age And Why Do Chickens Stop Laying Eggs? (2024)
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